Meteor shower

Avery was up most of the night having nightmares, I'm guessing due to the 60th Annual Montgomery County Fair we went to last night. One time I ran in there to calm down her screaming (as if she was being attacked); through shaking sobs she told me that someone had taken her lemonade!!

Anyway, since I was up already, I took a minute and looked out our front windows for the Perseid meteors that were supposed to be spraying across the sky last night. After waiting only a minute or so I saw a huge one; it looked like a Roman candle going across the sky.

I ran up and tried to get Gareth out of bed, but he was too sleepy. Rosie had never seen a shooting star so I knew I had to get her up. It was hard. Finally I just pulled up her shade, window and screen and sat in her room making comments about the meteors I was seeing. Finally she rolled out of bed and came to sit on my lap.

We waited a long time. I kept trying to get her to come with me out onto the front lawn where we could lay on our backs on a blanket instead of just viewing a chunk of the sky visible from her window, but she was afraid of wild animals coming to get us.

Finally there was a faint but long streak across the center of the sky and Rosie saw it. She contently made her wish and then went back to bed.

Avery slept the rest of the night with us and continued to have bad Fair dreams.


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