More stories in the old Honda Civic

I told the story of the three little pigs this morning but used the names of Gareth, Rosie and Avery. I tried to have Avery have the straw house but she cut me off in mid sentence with a frightened scream to say that she wanted the brick house. I guess she knew the story.

She was so frightened by the wolf in the story she didn't even want her name mentioned until the she was safe in her brick and rock and block house. So as the modified story went, Rosie build the house of straw so she'd have time to build fairy houses and Gareth built the house of sticks so he could whittle the sticks to sharp points.

The wolf tripped over Rosie's fairy houses allowing her to escape to Gareth and eventually they escaped to Avery's stronghold of bricks and rocks and blocks. The wolf couldn't get in and eventually got arrested by the police and everyone lived in Avery's house and were happy.

Though she was screaming and terrified through most of the story, at the end she had a glowing smile from ear to ear. She happily reminded me that she had made the brick house.


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